;Template-Set Up 0Info=Weather site service ; this text ist shown as information at the Account data #1 … #3 1Typ=0 ; at 1 and Url is set, the data are send via Http-post to the Url-address 2Url=http://.... ; with Typ=0 a file is created 3File=.\html\awekas.txt ; this file should be created if yp=0 4Senddata=?val= ; only relevant with typ=1 5Separator=; ; only relevant with typ=1 - default= ";" 6Unit=0 ; without/with units - default= 0 (without units) 7Userpw_md5=1 ; send Password as MD-5 Hashcode - default = 0 also not encoded 8Success=OK ; only relevant mit typ=1 – feedback from Server at success - if Debug Mode is aktic also in ws_debug_www.txt 9Version=1 ; to the differentiation which Template version is used 10MonthData=1 ; the Template contains also variables for sending at month begin 11TestUrl=http://.... ; this Url is used if the "Test button is operated, if not set then the data from2Url ... xBeginData ; = Begin Data from here, stand the variables as well as text for sending xBeginMonthData ; = from here data for sending at month begin Additional control file specific variables: %ws_template_user% %ws_template_pw% %ws_template_version% These values are "fillt" with the deposited data in the program as well as. directly from the Template If the option Userpw_md5 is set, the password is sent as MD5-Hashcode (for example at awekas) The variables can stand only "alone" in a line. In the Config data the 1Typ and (2Url or 3-file) and xBeginData are mandatory. The other Config lines are optional. If 11TestUrl isn’t here, the data from 2Url are used - only relevant for 1Typ=1 Contains the Template also entries for monthly-data, 10MonthData=1 must be placed, the program then sends after monthly-change. If the Debug Mode (bit 3) is set, everything is recorded in the data file ws_debug_www.txt. The Config-lines are the same for all weather-portals (with modified content) , the data-area are from the weather-portals (from the available variables). With Typ=1 all the data are send in one string to the named Url -> makes. Wetterarchiv, Awekas, Wunderground Example: http://www.awekas.at/extern/eingabe_pruefung.php?val=userzy;0FA339BD0906BF31B30CE5F662D3A0F8;03.06.2007;13:39;16.7;74;1018.6;0.000;10.0;22;;;;de;0;24.1;476;4.5;;0.87;21.1;0.00;wswin_2.93.15 Example: www-Template-Control-File 0Info=Example for sendig without own web site 1Typ=1 2Url=http://www.sending.net/get.php 3File=.\html\data.txt 4Senddata=?val= 5Separator=; 6Unit=0 7Userpw_md5=1 8Success=OK xBeginData %ws_template_user% %ws_template_pw% %ws_date% %ws_time% %curval[0]% %curval[-1]% %curval[33]% %rainday% %avg10minwind% %avg10minwinddir% wswin_%ws_vers% xBeginMonthData month;%ws_template_user% %ws_template_pw% %ws_date% %ws_time% %curval[0]% %curval[-1]% %curval[33]%